Our Mission

The Friends of Columbus and Franklin County Metro Parks is a non-profit organization with a mission to  enhance public use and enjoyment of our parks, seek out  public support, and advocate for our parks for current and future generations.

Our Vision

Advocating for the parks and nature that we love for all to enjoy.

Strategic Plan

With the rapid growth of our organization over the past few years, the Friends worked to create and adopt a strategic plan to help guide the organization as we work toward introducing new people to the Metro Parks, and working to achieve our mission.

Our goal is to be the top advocacy organization for the Metro Parks. We're creating a drumbeat of support across diverse groups of people by hosting unique and exclusive opportunities for our members and by communicating with the general public to promote the Metro Parks. This community support will be fundamental to the continued existence of our organization and for the Metro Parks!

We are in the process of developing an updated strategic plan! Keep an eye out for a published copy!