The Friends of Metro Parks kicked off their Passport to Metro Parks program on Saturday, June 16th at Sharon Woods Metro Park. This grant-funded program was developed by the Friends of Metro Parks along with the Metro Parks to encourage exploration of the Columbus and Franklin County Metro Parks district.
So how does it work?
Step 1: Get a passport! They can be found at the nature centers at Highbanks, Blacklick Woods, Blendon Woods, and Battelle Darby Creek.
Step 2: Visit each location listed on the passport. There are three locations at each park!
Step 3: After visiting, go and find a staff member to stamp your passport. They should be at each ranger station and nature center, as well as in park vehicles.
Step 4: When your passport is complete, take it back to a nature center and turn in your passport. This will tell us how many t-shirts and swag bags to order or put together.
Step 5: Join us at the Blacklick 70th anniversary party on October 20th to get your t-shirts or swag bags! We start off the program with a party, and we will end it with one too!
In the meantime share photos using #MetroParksPassport on Instagram and tag @metroparkfriend to show off your adventures!
Catch some photos of our Passport to Metro Parks kickoff event!
More questions? Check out our FAQ here: Passport FAQ